Discover What Your Customers Truly Experience

Boost guest satisfaction and service quality with our expert hotel mystery shopper evaluations and actionable insights.

Our Services

Boost guest satisfaction and service quality with our expert hotel mystery shopper evaluations and actionable insights.

Mystery Shopping Audits

Our highly trained auditors visit your hotel undercover as regular guests, providing an objective evaluation of your services. This assessment covers staff attentiveness, check-in efficiency, cleanliness, and the overall guest experience from an unbiased perspective.

Operational Audits

We perform thorough on-site assessments of your hotel’s operations, meticulously reviewing procedures, internal controls, and compliance with industry standards. Our audits identify opportunities to enhance efficiency and elevate guest service delivery. Additionally, we provide audits of your marketing and social media presence to optimize online visibility and engagement strategies

Guest Experience Evaluations

In addition to our core services, we offer guest experience evaluations through surveys or feedback analysis. This helps identify areas that need improvement to enhance guest loyalty and positive online reviews. (Considering this as an add-on service).

Competitor Benchmarking

We analyze how your hotel compares to competitors in terms of service offerings, online presence, pricing strategies, and guest reviews. This provides valuable data to make informed decisions and gain a competitive edge.

Staff Training and Development in Audit Practices

We can equip your hotel staff with the skills and knowledge to conduct internal audits following our proven methodology. This empowers you to maintain consistent service standards and identify improvement opportunities on an ongoing basis.

Our Audit Process

Boost guest satisfaction and service quality with our expert hotel mystery shopper evaluations and actionable insights.


We discuss your specific needs and objectives to tailor an audit program that best suits your hotel.

Data Gathering

Our experienced auditors conduct undercover visits, assess on-site operations, and analyze competitor data.

Detailed Report

We provide a comprehensive report with clear findings, actionable recommendations for improvement, and supporting data. Additionally, we provide customized checklists for your hotel to maintain high service standards consistently.

Follow Up

We offer ongoing support to help you implement recommendations and track progress towards achieving your goals. Our audits are conducted as a continuous cycle based on your company’s requirements, typically twice a year. We ensure that our audit process becomes an ongoing improvement journey, not just a one-time event.

Optional Staff Training

We can provide training programs to equip your staff with audit skills for ongoing self-assessment.

Benefits of Our Services

We cater to a global audience, including Sri Lanka and many other countries. Additionally, we extend our audit services to your hotel’s social media presence and website, providing valuable marketing insights for improvement.

Improved Operational Efficiency

Streamline processes, reduce costs, and ensure compliance.

Enhanced Guest Experience

Identify areas for improvement based on real-world scenarios.

Increased Revenue

Attract more guests, improve guest loyalty, and boost positive online reviews.

Competitive Advantage

Gain valuable insights to stay ahead of the curve.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Make informed choices based on concrete findings and industry benchmarks.

Empowered Staff

Train your team to conduct internal audits and maintain high standards consistently

Schedule a consultation today and unlock the full potential of your hotel or resort!